Get Involved
Become a member, donate or join our community
At Gallery 92 West, we believe art thrives through community support and participation. There are many ways to get involved and help us continue fostering creativity and local talent.
Join Our Community
Are you an art appreciator? Are you an artist? Do you have a young budding artist in your home? Gallery 92 West is a great place to visit and also a great choice for getting involved in the community art scene. We welcome your ideas for growing the love of art in Fremont and the surrounding towns and getting the word out about the great things happening at Gallery 92 West. Memberships and donations allow us to remain accessible to everyone. The Fremont Area Art Association is a 501(c)3 Organization and your donations are tax deductible.
Community Memberships
Basic Memberships
- Individual: $50
- Family: $65
- Student: $20
- Senior (60+) Individual: $40
- Senior (60+) Family: $50
- ANAC: $12
Basic Membership benefits:
- Discount on classes & workshop fees
- Monthly updates & exhibit announcements delivered to your mailbox
- E-mail reminders of classes, reception, luncheons, & various call-for-art opportunities from outside organizations
- Invitation to visual art exhibit openings
- Art Emporium privileges
- Printed Membership Directory
- Satisfaction of supporting your community arts organization
What is ANAC?
The Association of Nebraska Art Clubs (ANAC) is the only club in the U.S. that supports all art clubs in the sate. If you are a FAAA member, you can also be an ANAC member for an additional $12.
ANAC member benefits:
- Aligible to enter ANAC selection show
- Priority registration for conference classes
- Members only newlsetter, e-mails and Facebook
- Fellowship and networking opportunities
High-Level Memberships
Supporter: $100 - $249
- Basic Membership privileges
- 2 tickets to a Third Thursday Lunch & Learn of your choice
- Recognition of your support in our Membership Directory
Sustainer: $250 - $499
- Basic Membership privileges
- 2 tickets to a Third Thursday Lunch & Learn of your choice
- 1 complimentary ticket to the annual FAAA Gala
- Recognition of your support in our Membership Directory
- Basic Membership privileges
- 2 tickets to a Third Thursday Lunch & Learn of your choice
- 2 complimentary tickets to the annual FAAA Gala
- Recognition of your support in our Membership Directory
Patron: $1,000+
- Basic Membership privileges
- 2 tickets to a Third Thursday Lunch & Learn of your choice
- 2 complimentary tickets to the annual FAAA Gala
- Recognition of your support in our Membership Directory
- 1 private use of the Gallery as an event space
Coprorate Memberships
Corporate Membership benefits:
- Monthly updates & exhibit announcements delivered to your mailbox
- Invitation to visual art exhibit openings
- Recognition in quarterly Newsletter
- Advertising in Membership Directory
- Satisfaction of supporting your community arts organization
Rembrandt: $250
- Corporate membership benefits
Michelangelo: $500
- Corporate membership benefits
- Company logo and link on our website
- Recognition as a business partner displayed in the Gallery
Renoir: $1,000
- Corporate membership benefits
- Company logo and link on our website
- Recognition as a business partner displayed in the Gallery
- Promotional social media posts
- 2 complimentary tickets to the annual FAAA Gala
- 1 private use of the Gallery as an event space free of charge
Da Vinci: $1,500
- Corporate membership benefits
- Company logo and link on our website
- Recognition as a business partner displayed in the Gallery
- Promotional social media posts
- 4 complimentary tickets to the annual FAAA Gala
- 1 private use of the Gallery as an event space free of charge
- Opportunity to sponsor a monthly exhibit of your choice
Gallery 92 Classes
At Gallery 92 West, we offer a variety of art classes designed to inspire creativity and nurture artistic talent for all ages and skill levels. Whether you're a beginner looking to explore a new hobby or an experienced artist seeking to refine your techniques, our classes provide hands-on instruction in a supportive and welcoming environment. Are you interested in taking a class for free? Are you able to give some time to the Gallery? Volunteer to be a class check-in volunteer, and you are able to take that class for free, as a thank you from us to you. Please contact Lindi at the Gallery if you are interested in serving in this role.
Are you interested in teaching a class at FAAA? We are interested in learning from you! Our education committee works to schedule classes and we help to promote your workshop. Instructors are compensated based on student enrollment. If you have an idea for a great project, whether it be for kids, adults, or both - we would love to have you share your artistic talent and passion with our students! Click below to access the Teacher's Contract, fill it out and return it to Lindi at the Gallery to get the process started.
Volunteer Opportunities
We can always use an extra pair of hands
FAAA and Gallery 92 West are run by volunteers and individuals who are passionate about bringing cultural opportunities to artists, art appreciators and our youth in Fremont and the surrounding area. We welcome your ideas for growing FAAA by getting the word out about the great things happening at Gallery 92 West. Would you like to see our community grow in the arts?
- Take photos at Gallery and community events throughout the year.
- Volunteer to docent at the Gallery or work in the Art Emporium gift shop any day Tuesday through Sunday from 1-4 p.m.
- Promote FAAA membership to other regional artists, friends and family you know who love the arts.
- Help hang monthly exhibits or volunteer at community events.
- Help with our Annual Gala.

Community Involvement
The Fremont Area Art Association's community involvement includes:
- Hazel Keene/FAAA Scholarship
- Jean M. Welstead Memorial Scholarship
- K.S. Farris Memorial Art Scholarship
- Various art classes/weekend workshops for both adults and children
- Support of special educational art projects
- Sponsorship of exhibits of regional and national status
- A learning experience in art from various cultures
- Free admission to The Gallery for all exhibits
- Guided tours for school children and other interested groups
- Provide judges for local art and craft competitions
- Opportunities for local member artists to exhibit
- Artworks available for purchase in The Art Emporium and The Gallery
- Multi-faceted gallery exhibits, art-oriented educational demos and workshops
- Active participation in John C. Fremont Days and YMCA Healthy Family events
- Gallery-themed presentations for community groups
- Classes for under-served populations
- Partner with MainStreet and BID for community events
- Artist host for Spring/Fall Gallery Walks
- Partner with Keene Memorial Library for art events
- Host of Humanities Nebraska Prime Time Reading Program